To start any successful email campaign, you’re going to need a strong email list.
Whether you plan to use it for special offers, a newsletter, or something else altogether, here are three simple tips to step up your business’s organic email list, whether it’s for sending . . .
Tip #1: Utilize all your platforms. If you’re trying to build your email list, make sure to mirror the signup efforts that you’re already making on your website onto your social media as well. All your platforms should be utilized to help build your lists. Mention your email sign-up option on the “about” portions of your social media accounts and make regular posts to promote signups, especially if they have incentives attached like discounts.
Tip #2: Use (better) pop-up ads. Your classic pop-ups are not only notoriously annoying, but also ineffective. Instead, use timed pop-ups at the end of your original content. This is much more effective because it takes advantage of the fact that the reader has already read through most of your content, meaning they have taken value from a service you’re offering and building trust in your brand. It also means that what you’re offering has higher relevance to them, which is why language like “sign up for more articles like this” are often used with this approach.
Tip #3: Include more than one signup option. We don’t mean have two pop-up ads (we definitely don’t recommend this). Instead, try one pop up (as we suggested in Tip #2) and then add in written into the text of your content, preferably toward the middle or end, another option for them to sign up by clicking a hyperlink. A simple as it sounds, it makes a difference. Not only does including more options to the same thing mathematically improve your odds, but there’s also a well-engrained reflex in many of us by this point to automatically reject pop-ups, even before reading them properly, so this gives another opportunity— and one that stays there.
Stay tuned for more effective, easy-to-implement tips from our Axel & Associates team of email marketing campaign specialists!
Have any questions about putting together an email campaign to increase your revenue, or about why your past/current campaigns aren’t driving results? Reach us at 866-DAVIDAXEL (866-328-4329) or