Online advertising is surging as more people are spending a growing amount of their time behind screens.
Of all the various forms of ads available online, Email Marketing is consistently one of the most effective.
Here are three email marketing tips from our Axel & Associates Email Marketing team to help you reinvigorate your email campaigns. . .
Three Email Marketing Tips to Get Better Results
First: Have a clear and direct email headline. Ten years ago the trend was to use vague and enticing email subject lines to encourage readers to open the email to learn more. That has long since faded in its effectiveness and today its considered more annoying than actually compelling.
- Instead your best bet is to make your subject lines natural and short. We recommend keeping it between five to ten words. You can also use numbers, questions, or humor to make it more engaging while also giving an indication of what to expect in the email.
Second: Maximize preview text. Most email services these days provide readers a brief line of text next to subject line that lets the reader “peak” or preview what’s inside, often in slightly lighter or faded text. Because of this, we strongly recommend making the most of the first line of your email content and use it to tie her hook-in readers.
- The amount of text shown will range between what the email provider allows as well as on the size of your subject line. A good rule of thumb to aim for is between 30 to 140 characters – so think about the length of a short tweet.
Third: Keep all paragraphs brief and relevant. To do this, each paragraph should introduce one new, fresh, interesting idea or point. In other words, because the overall email should be brief anyway, every paragraph must contribute something worth including. We suggest sticking to three (no more than four) sentences per paragraph and less than four paragraphs overall. Also make sure to keep the content and flow scannable along the way as well as relevant to your core email subject.
These tips will each help you think in the right way to improve your email campaign results. Stay tuned for more free Email Marketing Pro Tips and Tricks from our experts at Axel and Associates!
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