The Psychology of Great Web Design (Part 1)

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The Psychology of Great Web Design (Part 1)

Even though our technology of the 21st century is rapidly evolving and improving, almost all of it is based on very old patterns and principles.

These date back hundreds and even thousands of years — and that’s what makes them so effective.

Our web designers at Axel & Associates keep these psychology-rooted ideas in mind when we craft our website. This helps ensure they’re wired from the ground-up to be as effective as they can possibly be. 

To help your website perform as strongly as possible, here are some free Basic Psychological Web Design Pro-Tips and Principals. . .

3 Tips For A Great Web Design

First, consider this: Before there were websites, there were books, posters, television, and movies. If you keep going back in the human timeline, you’ll find that visuals have always been central to the human experience, even predating words! We can see this very clearly on Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient cave walls. 

Today, this is still true. So it’s a good idea to start with visuals and your website layout before working on your content. People will mentally respond to how your website looks before noticing what it says.

Second: With that in mind, apply this knowledge to your homepage. We always recommend striking a delicate balance between standing out in your branding but following the basic framework how website should be made.

This is because the internet has now been around for over thirty years. Think about that — it means generations have now grown up with it and we are all now psychologically hardwired with certain expectations for what a website your look like. This is what also intuitively helps us navigate it. That’s why we suggest not reinventing the wheel and instead aim for satisfying those expectations while still choosing to be distinct in your branding. Otherwise your website layout will risk isolating visitors… and plummeting your online revenue.

Third: Clarity is the Key. All your wording, all your images, all your content, and all your features should be singularly arranged with clarity in mind. Your message should be clear and the viewers’ journey should be simple. This will help drive much better results than an endless road of bells and whistles that will confuse them or test their  patience. 

Stay tuned for our next installment of Psychology-rooted Web Building Tips & Tricks from the Axel and Associates team! Part 2 will be focusing on more concrete ways to apply these concepts and also introducing some new ideas. 

Need help improving your website and bringing it up to par? Reach us at 866-DAVIDAXEL (866-328-4329) or to schedule a free consultation. We’ll walk you through the steps you can take to increase your online revenue.

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